Our Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation on LinkedIn! Apply these tips to any social media platform to attract more leads than ever before.

Are you putting time and money into your brand’s social media and not seeing any returns? Are you posting regularly but seeing almost no response to your CTAs? This guide will help you get results from your social media marketing by using three crucial concepts.
Demographics and Strategy
The key to generating high quality leads from social media channels is getting your demographics and strategy right. Social media targeting helps you reach your audience on social media with relevant and impactful marketing messages.
Reflect on these 6 Questions, and write down your answers. By the end of this exercise, you should have a clear understanding of your target audience, and a strategy for reaching them.
Six Questions for Better Targeting
WHO are my customers?
WHERE are they?
HOW do I reach them?
WHAT do they want?
HOW can my product make their life better?
HOW can I Convince & Close?
Let the answers to these questions inform all your social media content, creatives and CTAs! Once you know who your ideal consumer is, how to offer them value and where to find them on social media, targeting is easy and makes your brand's posts and advertisements highly effective.
Build Your Brand
Before you can get more leads on social media, you need to invest in building a strong brand and raising brand awareness and engagement. A brand is so much more than a logo and colour palette! It is the entire experience you create for your audience, and what they say about you to others.
Are you struggling with building your brand? These 5 tips will help you get started!
Optimise Your profile An optimised social media profile will drive traffic, increase email subscribers and boost sales. You need to tell users about your brand and target audience. Clarify your brand name, upload a high-quality profile picture and update your bio with relevant information.
Establish Your Brand Voice Every time you talk, write, design, post, respond, launch, thank, and connect with your audience, you’re exercising your brand voice. Always speak to your audience in first person, find your adjectives, avoid jargon and click-bait, and be consistent across social platforms.
Work on Your Posts Ensure your content is high quality, valuable and improves your customers lives. Make the most of trends and hashtags! Schedule your posts ahead of time, and keep track of the insights! Use the data from your top posts to create more high performing content.
Social Currency Your customers reviews, testimonials and ratings, product demos and endorsements are the best way to demonstrate your value to potential leads.
Engage with your Audience Do live Q&A sessions, post polls on your stories, and start meaningful conversations with your captions.
Always answer your DMs, and focus on building relationships with your audience members. Earn their trust and hold their interest!
Create Value
The key to generating leads on LinkedIn and Instagram is providing value.
Customers Don’t Want to Be Sold To. They Want to Receive Value.
Valuable content that helps your customers solve their problems will attract prospects to your business, giving you the chance to nurture them and eventually convert them into a customer. Some ways to provide value are by writing blog posts and guides, offering coupons, hosting live events and creating online content.
And Finally - Your Call To Action
A clear and compelling CTA will help you turn followers into leads. Make sure relevant links and your contact information are easy to find! You also need to customise how you place your CTAs depending on the platform you are using. On LinkedIn, posts with links embedded in them tend not to perform very well, so you will need to post your CTAs in the comments. Meanwhile Instagram does not allow hyperlinking in comments or captions, so you will need to post your CTA links in your bio. Use platforms such as LinkTree to post multiple CTAs! What does a good CTA look like? Here are some examples:
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Ultimately, a successful CTA is one that helps your prospects take the next step to become a customer.
There you have it - our guide to successful lead generation on LinkedIn and other social media platforms! Did this guide help you, and do you have your own LinkedIn Learnings to share? Let us know in the comments!